Sunday, August 13, 2017

屯 and friends; 再 and friends

Why do I post these tiny groups?  Because they haven't made it into Kanji Portraits, and I need to learn them, so here they are.  (And I've gone through more of the big groups, like those based on

屯:  barracks, police station, camp.  Maybe it looks like the front of a roofed, symmetric building, with a path coming in from the right?

純:  genuine, innocence, purity.  When you've done your basic training, you go in dressed in innocence, and come out with a genuine uniform.

鈍:  blunt, dull, slow, foolish.  The metal (sword) you use in basic training is apt to get blunted by your inexpert practice.

再:  This is described in Henshall as 一 plus a basket, but I'll think of that line at the top as a handle.  Anyway, it's a basket.  The meaning is again, twice, second time:  if you want to keep your stuff for a second time to use again, put it in your basket.

構:  pretend, build, posture.  Build your baskets out of wood and you'll have a posture problem (because they'll be massive!).

溝:  ditch, sewer, drain.  Put water in baskets and it'll drain fer sure.

講:  lecture.  A lecture is baskets upon baskets of words.

購:  buy, subscription.  You'll need baskets of money to buy this subscription.

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