Wednesday, February 28, 2018

称 and 弥

Though the thing on the right is supposed to be a simplification of a hand reaching down 爫 to a basket冉 to put the rice 禾 in, I'm finding that hard to remember (duh?).  I find it easier as an altar 示 (tell, show, demonstrate) with its sacrifice at a rakish angle.
, chant/praise:                      Praise the gods for a good harvest.
, increasingly/all the more:   Pull 引 all the more rice plants to justify that praise
                                                  and sacrifice.

弥 doesn't seem to be in Henshall, and in TheKanjiMap the "related words" are proper names.  I guess some of those proper names must be important.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018


, meet/fit:               A lid or cover fitting on a container.  Or maybe the 口
                                   is a mouth, and it's about making a "fitting" remark.
, answer:               Speaking of fitting remarks, you can answer fittingly
, gather:                Take your hand to put things into that lidded container.
, supply/wages:    Join threads together to supply... rope?
, adzuki beans.     You'll be relieved to know this is 表外.
, steeple/pagoda:  A place put on the ground where you let bean vines grow thick.
, get on board:      Take your hand and climb up on those bean vines to
                                   fit into your transport.

Monday, February 26, 2018

The gift of 知恵

, blessing/kindness:  the top is the spinning rattle of 専.  The feeling 心 you get when you give a child a rattle is blessing and kindness.  (専 has its own family, which I may put up later.)
, ear of grain:  The blessing a rice stalk gives is its ear of grain.

Friday, February 23, 2018


, ride:        I think of this as a cable car (see the line overhead; the compartment in the middle; and the single guiding rail with flanges to keep your feet away underneath).
, surplus:   Cut that ride off -- you've gone too far!
, abandon:  I personally 厶 am blowing the lid 亠 off that cable car, abandoning it in mid-ride.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

With 咸 my 心

We see a lot of 戊.  I very much recommend Kanji Portraits' lessons on the 戊 family.

I am not, however, finding all of those so derived -- most, but not all -- so I'll put the stragglers here and in subsequent posts.
is halberd.
, 表外漢字, means "all" or "unity."  Henshall thinks of that as trimming with a sharp weapon to make things neat and correct, plus 口 so what's neat is harmonizing:  maybe it's all of us speaking in harmony.  
 is (intense) feeling:  With all my heart.
, remorse:  With two hearts, it's a doubly intense feeling.  It'll stay with you, like remorse.
, decrease:  Water eventually wears away/decreases all things.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The use of 暴力 (ぼうりょく), violence, in language learning

, outburst/outrage/violence:  The sun beats down where we are kept together
                                      with insufficient water -- what a cruel outrage!  (The idea
                                      of the splash at the bottom being insufficient water is from
, bomb/burst:          A bomb is a fiery, outrageous outburst.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

㓞 and remember

may not even make it to 表外.  It's a tally stick, with a blade to cut notches in it.  Henshall says you put it with its other half on fulfillment of a contract; I'll just say you're making notches to keep track of something.  So it means something like right, proper, correct.

Sorry, another 表外漢字: 
, correct:                  Tally those threads to even length to make them correct.

, clean/purify:          To purify is to use water to get something to its correct state. 

, pledge:                  With open arms, I show you my tally stick, on which I've pledge to keep the contract.
, consume/receive:  I gladly receive what you've pledged to me, into my mouth, and consume it.


Monday, February 19, 2018

We can remember it for you 卸 (おろし, wholesale) -- title of a story by Philip Dick

𦈢 is listed by Wiktionary as a variant form of , earthen jar.  Here it, or at least part of it (per Henshall) is a pestle, and 卩 is a kneeling person, though I see it often as seal.  Pounding something with a pestle makes it manageable, maybe and that's kind of like governing.

I'll treat it as an earthen jar with a crack in it (the line moved at its lower right), so that I can get...

, wholesale:  You're selling something (wine?) wholesale?  Better seal
                           those messed-up jars.
, govern:       At the crossroads (that is, in a public place), seal the messed-up
                           jars to manage/govern the leaks, a wholesale solution.


Friday, February 16, 2018

I can actually read some of this (NHK Easy)

NHK Easy tells me (this week) about 冬の天気やオリンピックや梅まつり。クールです。Go there.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

蔵: storage

, storeroom:  Underground, under the grass, with a halberd, I keep watch 臣 over my storeroom.
, entrails:      The part of the flesh that's stored inside.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

執: seize the day

, take hold, grasp:  At happy 幸 hour, there's a free round of drinks, so I take hold of mine.
, gift:                     Reach out hand and take hold of a gift.
Note about that second one:  it's listed as 常用漢字, but I can't find it in Henshall's index and Wiktionary doesn't (yet) have a definition for it in the Japanese subheading.  Whassup をわかりません。

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

徴: signs of the times

, sign/omen/indication:       At the crossroads, while the king looks up to
                                                the mountains... someone comes up to hit him
                                                with a stick.  It's a clear sign of something...
, penal/punish/discipline:   ...a sign that soon that someone is going to be
                                                punished -- hard.

Monday, February 12, 2018

万 reasons to be encouraged by horse chestnuts

is 10,000, from second-grade kanji.  It shouldn't really be a part of the following, because 厉 is actually a simplified version of 厲, meaning whetstone.  But we take what we can get.
, Japanese horse chestnut: There are 10,000 horse chestnut trees on that cliff.
                                                  That'll be 10,000 crashes in the next storm.  I have
                                                  no idea why this is important enough to be
                                                  常用 (regular-use) 漢字.
, encouragement:                Encouragement gives people 10,000-fold power.
                                                  Stand at the cliff and deliver it!

Friday, February 9, 2018

The 方 of all 肉

, way:            Originally a tassel.  Maybe they mark the way with tassels tied to
                            trees so you won't lose the path?
, visit:            To visit is to call along the way.
, boy/priest:   The way to tell it's a boy is he's got dirt all over him.
, travel:          The way we travel is to pile lots of people in and go.  (I know
                            the right パーツ are supposed to be clothes, but to me it looks
                            like several persons crammed into a car.)
, obstacle:      Stop the car!  There's a woman in the way waving a tassel!
, nearby:         Person stands near to Chinese lantern 立 on pedestal 宀 along the way 方.
, family:           A family is the way a person produces his line (using arrow 矢 here
                              for line.)  This is in the work 家族(かぞく), family.
, room/tassel: A tassel under the awning marks the room.
, rotation:        A rotation is the way a person spins around on one foot.
, banner/flag:  The tassel-like thing a person waves at the hopper 其 at harvest-time
                             -- celebrating a banner harvest.
, release/emit: The way to release seed at harvest -- and other things -- is to
                              hit 'em with a stick!
, imitate:          A person will imitate the way you have for him if you offer to
                             hit him with a stick.
, fragrance:     The way to enjoy plants is through their fragrance
, fat:                The way of all flesh is to get fat.
, spinning:       The way to make thread is to spin
, play:              The way a person should move with a child is in play.
, protect:          The way to protect is to hide behind that terraced hill
, giving/alms:   The way to connect to someone's existence is to give generously.


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Just like 復旧 (past events)

means ex- or old times:  It's stuff before the current day, like the line is left of day here.
, newborn:  A living thing (with legs) that was born yesterday.
, rice plant:  Per Henshall, the 旧 is a corruption of something like 臼, mortar -- the rice is pressed by hand into the mortar to be ground.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

In the 軍 (ぐん) now

, army:               An army might have its vehicles under cover to protect
                                them from being seen.  It helps with the next kanji if I think
                                of that covering as a sort of big tent.
, sparkle/shine:  A light outside that tent warehouse shines to light the way
                                for soldiers loading up before dawn.
, light/shine:       When day light shines on those covered vehicles, the army's ready.
, command:        The one who commands raises his hand and gives the order to...
, transport:          ...move out, army!  Transport those troops where they need to go.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Various (庶) things

, various, commoner.  The squarish thing in the middle is an object, and what's below is fire.  Henshall suggests:  Various objects get destroyed in a house fire.  Various people are commoners.
, obstruct:                    When you're trying to move, various things can obstruct you.


Monday, February 5, 2018

A little 援助 (enjo, help) from 私の友達たち

 is a second-grade 漢字, an image of two hands coming together:  "friend."
, take out:                            I take this as the hand on the left trying to extract
                                                 something held by two hands on the right.
 (かみ), hair:                        Long + hair + two hands/friend.  A good friend is
                                                 one who'll tell you, Your hair's getting too long, pal,
                                                 get it cut.
 is 表外漢字.  Between the top hand and the bottom is a two-knotted rope.  It's supposed to mean something like bring together (which will happen if those two hands both pull that rope).
暖 (あたた.かい), warmth:   I am drawn to the sun because of its warmth.
, help:                               A helping hand draws people together.  
, beautiful woman:           A woman who is attract-ive.
, relax/slacken:                Draw the two ends of the thread together and it becomes slack.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Talking about 云 talking

は人名用漢字です。It means talk:  when two 二 selves 厶come together, they talk.
, meeting/assocation:  Where people talk under a roof.
 (え), picture:              Where threads meet (as a canvas).
, communication:        Persons talking.
, art:                             Artists communicate with us by attention to detail 艹.
, rotate:                        Vehicle's "conversation" (action) works by parts rotating.
, shadow/secret:          Let's talk now, hidden behind the hills.  Why?  To keep secrets.

I omit 曇雲 as more relevant to 雨 weather stuff, and 魂 as more relevant to demons 鬼.


Thursday, February 1, 2018

夋: linger here with me

は表外漢字です。Per Henshall, it's something like linger, from a self 厶 on legs, with 夂 stroll:  maybe a self that walks slowly, dawdling.

, excellence:        This person's so great he can dawdle and still come from behind and win.
, acid/bitter:         Booze that sits too long maybe turn bitter/acid instead.  (IDK if that's true.)
, entice/suggest:  Words that say, "Linger here with me."
