Wednesday, May 3, 2017

When I get stuck

Sometimes Google Translate can't interpret it, and jisho isn't clarifying it.  Should I really be pronouncing 人(ひと, hito, "person") "sh-to"?  When do I use から (from, since, because) and when do I use 以来 (いらい, irai, "since")?  What the heck does such-and-such sentence mean?  Here are the options I know so far:
  1. A textbook, or grammar book.
  2. Do an Internet search.  This works a lot.  Others have the same questions, and plenty have answered them.  You may well end up at Wasabi.  You'll get their articles in your Facebook feed if you Like their page there.
  3. For 漢字 (かんじ, kanji), I often use Kanji alive, or Wiktionary.  (Googling a kanji will give you the right Wiktionary link.)
  4. Reddit's /r/LearnJapanese, where you can ask random questions, and later answer some.
  5. A native speaker.  I'm fortunate to have access to two.  (He told me, "Children sometimes pronounce 人 'sh-to.'  But their parents correct them."  If you disagree, OK, but I'm just the messenger.)
  6. Japanese Language Stack Exchange.  But really I am not ready for that yet.  Its questions are too advanced for me -- so far.  (There's a question up about 以来.  Sure enough, I don't understand it.)
Anything I don't know about yet?  Please, post!

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