Here's my notes for 5 verses. IDK if it'll be helpful, but some of the info helped me.
初めに言あった。There are two words pronounced はじめ: 始め and 初め. And they both mean "start"! But according to my peeps on reddit (and jisho confirms this somewhat), they're not quite the same "start." 始め is first in line, outset, or origin, and 初め is first-ever. So either would work in this case.
It looks like choosing between 言葉 and 言 may be the same. The audio for John pronounces 言
as ことば, but jisho and Google Translate don't agree. Since it's repeated several times, it's no typo.
言は神と共にあった。I had thought that God (not a god) was a special name, something like Emperor of Heaven. Blame Read Japanese Today!, IIRC. No, it's 神.
言は神であった。Weird. Why isn't it just だ at the end? Apparently is a literary form used in "writing and formal situations" (again, H/T reddit).
べて の もの は、これに よって できた。
All of things as-for, that by thus were made
うち doesn't just mean house, but also "midst":
できた もの の うち、 一つ として これ に よらない ものはなかった。
Made things of amongst, one man by done this to not dependent thing as-for don't exist.
Among all things that were made, there is nothing is not dependent on Him.
More later. Meanwhile, I've added a few kanji to learn (輝 being one). John 2 also has some challenge. I like this section because its nouns are so easy, and so repeated that I get a lot of sentence understanding bang for my vocabulary buck.
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