Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Japanese Graded Readers 2:2:7: わらしべ長者

 わらしべ : dried rice stalk
長者   :millionaire
一生懸命 :hard, as in hard work
観音様  :the bodhisattva representing/embodying compassion
拾う   :pick up
捨てない :don't throw away
向こう  :beyond
みかん  :Mandarin orange
喜びました:was delighted
布    :cloth
また   :also
まだ   :still
まで   :until

(Sounds like I need a mnemonic!  Mada:  mah doll is still here -- I still play with dolls.  Mata -- mah top is here also.  Made:  but mah day is approaching when I'll stop playing with toys.  ... We'll see how this goes.)

倒れて  :fell down
横    :side
やりました:did it (or:  Yay!  I did it!)
すると  :then
連れて  :bring
通る   :pass through
遠く   :far away
五年前  :five years ago